Monday, September 30, 2013

Canned Green Beans-This Week-Space Mountain


 So this week....has been a ROLLER COASTER! Unfortunately it's not as fun as Space Mountain...but on the the up side, this week has definitely been better than canned green beans... haha... so yeah...I'm just thinking I'm really funny and clever right now. :) 

 I've been up and down and side ways and upside down with my emotions this week. Last week when I emailed you, I was feeling real good! But then the next day was really tough and so it's just been like that all week. But, that's how missions are, right? Everyday we battle to get out of bed and prepare for the day and everyday we have to make the decision to keep going and to work. Everyday we are rejected and stressed out. Everyday we make mistakes. But how else are we going to learn to that the Lord's way is the right way? We need to experience this pain and grief for the benefit of ourselves! We must find out for ourselves that this gospel brings true happiness and joy. 

 Some good things of the week: 
  • The Relief Society Broadcast! Man, I sure love our Prophet. Every talk was so goood and I learned so much! 
  •  I was able to go on some more exchanges to take a break and I'll be able to go on exchanges this week too. It's a relief to me and I'm very grateful for that relief. 
  •  WE HAVE A BAPTISM THIS WEEK!!!! Genevieve and her daughters, Aliyah and Ariana will be baptized on Sunday, October 6th at 7pm! I'm so excited, I could pee my pants. (but I won't) 
  • General Conference is this week toooO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited for that, if you can't tell :) This General Conference, I'm really looking for answers and for motivation to work. I am really trying to prepare myself for conference by writing down inspired questions. I have faith that they will be answered! 
  • Transfers are next week! President has let me know that I will not be staying with my companion and that I will be transferring somewhere else. Not sure where and I won't know until next Tuesday! I'll write a letter as soon as I find out! 
  •  I've spent a long time pondering and praying about what Heavenly Father wants me to do this last week so I'm not straining myself and then I'd worn out and can't go for the rest of my mission. So me and the Sister Training Leaders have set up a plan that I can take things slowly and recover. So that's what this week is, recovery week! (not from drugs, I swear) It will include a lot of hot chocolate and essential oils and music and rest. I feel positive that Heavenly Father is proud of me, even if I'm not working 24/7. Right now, this is what I need to be doing, and I will be ready to work in another place next week. 
 So even with all of this stuff that is wearing me down, I am able to have some fun :) The Elders in my ward, Elder Caruso and Elder Finley, they are the best :) I love them a lot! I have a lot of fun with them! I'll tell you a funny story. So Elder Caruso, he was sick this week and so he took some cold medicine that made him drowsy and then after it kicked in, instead of going to bed like a normal person, he calls us and is totally loopy and so the Sister Training Leaders were with us at the time and so he is just talking to us and it's really funny because he's so out of it. So we decide to mess with his mind a little bit and Sister Hansen starts talking to him in Spanish. And he was soooo confused and he's like "I feel like this isn't even in English..." And we're like "Elder, you really need to go to bed, we are talking in English!" hahaha it was really funny and it gave me a good laugh :)

 Throughout all of this, all the stress and anxiety that I've had, I have had the gift of knowing that God is there. He will never abandon me and I know that. I know that some people start to question the existence of God in times of trial, and luckily, I don't have that. I know He loves me and hears and answers my prayers. I am so grateful for this! 

Before my mission if I wouldn't warm up my voice for more than a week or something, it would start to crack a lot and I couldn't have as much control and I would be at risk of losing high notes. So that is something that I worried about because there is no time to warm up my voice daily, I can do a little here and there, but not what I need. So I was worried that I would lose notes and stuff, but God has blessed me with a miracle! My voice is in better shape than ever, even with the little time I have to warm up! Last minute, I sang I Need Thee Every Hour in church and I was worried because I hadn't warmed up and there was no time, but I was able to sing it without any problem! It's quite splendid. :) 

 I love you alllllll sosoososoososososososo much! Thank you for the letters, packages, thoughts, prayers, and everything that you have sent my way! I couldn't ask for a better support system and I'm so grateful for you! 

Sister Scott

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