Monday, September 16, 2013

The Squirrel

Hello everybody! How is everyone doing?? I've missed you a lot this week, and I'm glad to talk to you again :) 

 This week has definitely been tough! The panic attacks haven't stopped and I'm not really sure what is happening with my emotions or anything. I went to a counselor today and she gave me some things to try to relieve my stress better and to calm down a bit. I have faith that things will get better over time. This transfer is just flying by, I can't believe it's already week 4 of this transfer. It was just yesterday that I got my new companion! Thank you for the many things that you all do for me! 

I have been very blessed though. I don't know if I've ever told you about the Walker's. Brother Walker is the Ward Mission Leader. He is 27 and his wife is 21. I. Love. Them. I love being around them and I love talking to them. They are a blessing and tender mercy from Heavenly Father. I like to go hang out with Sister Walker on P Day's and plus she's a fabulous cook. They are so helpful with this work and they are also so funny and I just love them so much. And I also my Mission President, President Bonham and Sister Bonham. They are so supportive and willing to do whatever it takes to help me. They are very personable and they take time to help each missionary. I really have the greatest mission president. Another thing I've been blessed with is fabulous mission leaders. The Sister Training Leaders have been such a help to me. They are people that I can talk to freely and they give me advice and comfort. As you can see, I have these fabulous people taking care of me. :) 

 So right now, we have 6 investigators! We have Genevieve and her daughters Alea and Ariana. Then we have Chanel and Alexis Rambow. Then we have Audrey! Everyone but Audrey is on date to be baptized but she will be on date real soon :) I love my investigators and I learn so much from them and I'm so happy to be serving them. I don't know what is going to happen. 

 I don't know what challenges lay ahead. I don't know how I should handle them or what will come of them. But I have faith and courage that Heavenly Father is there to guide me. One of my favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon is in 1 Nephi 4:6-7. It says "And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the hings which I should do. Nevertheless I went forth..." Nephi didn't know what would happen or how it would happen. All that he knew is that the Spirit was leading him and that was enough. I know that Heavenly Father has a lot of things planned for me. I know that as long as let the Spirit guide me, I will be okay and I should and will go forth. 

 Okay so I'm sure you're all wondering why I titled this email "The Squirrel." So one morning we had to go out to the car to grab something and so I walked out the door just minding my own business. As soon as I stepped out of the door something hit my foot! And it startled me quite a bit and I was like "WHAT HAPPENED???" And then my companion said it was a squirrel! A squirrel ran into my foot and then ran over my foot.... hahahaha it was actually really funny. I hope your laughing cause I sure am. 

 MIRACLE OF THE WEEK: One night we decided to get some ice cream... so we went to McDonald's and got a hot fudge sundae and lemme tell ya... those things are miracles. They are sooo delicious. It just made me so happy. 

 I love you all so much! I miss you and I hope that you are all doing well! :) 

 Sister Scott

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