Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hola Familia!

September 3, 2013 

 Guess what! I'm a spanish missionary now! 

 hahaha jk's y'all jk's. (My district leader is from North Carolina and he says "jk's y'all jk's" alllll the time and now we all say it) 

 So this week! I have a new companion! Her name is Sister Yeager! We have the same first name, which is cool :) She is from Kansas and she's a cowgirl. She is very obedient and very ready to work hard, it's great :) 

 It's so different being a trainer! My companion is looking to me for what to do say and what to do and I feel like I was just in that position, probably because I was! It's a bit stressful, but I'm learning soooo much about missionary work and I hopefully am a better trainer everyday. 

 The week of transfers is always a little crazy with getting everything all settled so there usually isn't a ton of proselyting time. Last week on Thursday, it started POURING! It was super fun and we were just out visiting a bunch of people and just going from house to house, we were soaked! It was funny when we showed up to dinner and we're like wringing out our hair and clothes.... haha, I love it though! 

 So Genevieve is struggling right now. She is going through a divorce and it's a nasty one so she needs your prayers! We are doing our best to help her as much as we can. She is so great and I will not let her slip away! 

 We got 4 new investigators this week! A single dad and his three sons! They are black and it's great :) We have an appointment with them today and so hopefully we can dunk those guys. (baptize them haha) 

 I love studying this gospel! It's such a testimony builder to read the scriptures and learn more about the Doctrine of Christ. One hour of personal study a day is just not enough! I love this gospel and I'm grateful for alllllllll the many blessings that I have. 

So there is this lady, her name is Barbara, we have been trying so hard to have an appointment with her but she just keeps falling through and everytime she's like "Oh I'm so sorry, I want to meet you guys so badly! Please come back!" I mean, how can we say no to that? So the other night, I was driving to someone's house and then all the sudden I took a wrong turn and I was in front of Barbara's house! I was like "Whoa, this is weird because I could have sworn I was going the right way." And then I decided it must have been a sign so we got out and went to visit her. She actually had time to meet with us! She invited us in and we taught her the first lesson! It was so great! We were very grateful that Heavenly Father had guided us there! :) 

 Love you all! 
 Sister Scott

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