Monday, September 9, 2013

I Need Your Prayers and Letters

Hellloooooo family! 

 Woweee wow. This week has been a whirlwind. I'm very anxious about telling you all of what has happened. 

 So, I've been a wee bit stressed out. I guess I get really hard on myself and stuff.... I expect myself to be this perfect trainer, and I have to have more patience with myself in knowing that I will be better little by little and not be perfect all at once.... that's really hard for me to accept because Sister Yeager definitely deserves a fantastic trainer that knows a whole bunch. And right now the work is pretty slow and this area is my responsibility, it's just a lot to handle. I was letting all this stress and more stress just build up inside of me, and it was really getting me down. I had a very hard time being happy and positive. Even with members that I loooove being with, I could manage to be happy. So on Friday morning, we were having companionship study. And we disagreed on something. It was really small, Sister Yeager thought we should teach one thing to a less active and I thought we should teach another. And really, it shouldn't have been a big deal. They were both awesome things to teach but I could not handle it. I was very annoyed and so I excused myself to go upstairs and calm down a little bit....but unfortunately the exact opposite happened... I couldn't control my emotions or thoughts and I had a panic attack. I've never had one before and so it was very frightening and I wasn't sure what was going on. I called President Bonham and asked me if I wanted to come talk to him. So we went down to his office to talk to him. He talked to me for a while and he suggested that I go to a counselor. So this week, I will be going to a counselor to try and figure out what is going on and what I need to do to help. I hope that it helps and that I can figure all this out. President Bonham gave me a blessing and in it he said "Daughter, be comforted." When he said that, I knew that it was God saying that. I just knew it. I knew that God was there. That was quite amazing. Right now, I just need your prayers! And your letters! I really miss you all a lot. 

 But enough of this hard stuff! 

 Lemme tell you the good things that happened this week: 
1. I got to see Sister Lundell on Friday! What a comfort and a blessing to see her. 
2. We had stake conference this weekend and it was broadcast from Salt Lake! Elder Hales and Elder Perry spoke and gave wonderful talks! It was very great and it made me super excited for Conference! 
3. On Friday, the Elders brought me some ice cream and called me throughout the day to tell me jokes and make me laugh, they're great :) 
4. A button popped off my skirt and I sewed it back on all by my was very fulfilling. 
 5. I read a suuuuuuuuuuper great article in the September 2013 Ensign called "His Grace is Sufficient." It's by Brad Wilcox and oh my goodness, I want everyone in the whole world to read it! So go read it! 
6. I got a lot of packages this week, so THANK YOU! You don't know how much that means to me. 
 7. I'm learning so much about the Bible and the Book of Mormon and how they coincide and the necessity of the Book of Mormon. It's just real grand. 
8. A less active in our ward, named Sister Rambow wants to come back to church and she has two daughters, Chanel and Alexis! They haven't been baptized and will be baptized on October 12th! (Happy birthday Jen!) 
9. It's scarf season!!!!!! 
10. Remember Audrey? She moved to Olympia a couple weeks ago. Well she texted us last week and she is moving back!!! Hurraayyyy! And she wants to come to church so badly and she is just my favorite. 
11. God is always with me. He has his arms wrapped around me. 

This miracle is the miracle of the Eternities. I am learning more and more each day about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I feel the effects of it and I am trying to let it work into my life. The Atonement is the greatest miracle of all and we need to show God how grateful we are for it by keeping the commandments and honoring our covenants. 

 Thank you family for your love and support! I couldn't do anything without you! 

 Love you and miss you! 

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