Monday, September 23, 2013

My Week as a Spanish Missionary

Hellloooooo everyone! I hope that everyone has had a great week, I hope that it was full of fun and laughter. :) 

 So my week was a little crazy. 

 Last Monday, I was fine. I had a relaxing day and I got some Caramel Apple Spice from Starbucks so it was okay. But then Tuesday came. Tuesday, we taught a lesson in the morning and then at lunch time, I couldn't handle it anymore. I just couldn't do it. So I called President and told him what I was feeling and then I went and talked with him at the Mission Office for a little bit. And that night I went on exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders. And they are Spanish Missionaries! So I was with Hermana Andersen in her area. Oh my goodness, I sure love her. She is so nice and fun to be around. I was relieved to not have so much responsibility just for a little bit. And Wednesday came and it was the hardest day I've ever had in my life. I went to counseling and she suggested an emergency transfer. Me and my companion would go to a two different companionships and three pack it. I was so discouraged and so sad and I just wanted relief so President was starting the process of an emergency transfer. And so Thursday Sister Andersen and her companion had to go to a leadership training so I had to go back with Sister Yeager for like half the day. So that morning was just terrible and then I decided that I was just going to take it easy and not take things so seriously that day. And I ended up having a good day. So I prayed a lot about the transfer, and I felt like I had some other options. There are other things that I could do that would make me happy throughout the day. I called President and talked it over with him and he agreed to let me finish out these last two weeks in my area. So, I'm still in Marysville! President is going to make a change at transfers so I'm not sure if I'll be staying in Marysville or going somewhere else. I am doing a LOT better now. I hope that there is no panic attacks this week. Thank you for your prayers, I can feel them strengthening me everyday. 

 So I stayed with Sister Andersen for the whole week and so I got to be a Spanish Missionary! It was....weird. Actually it was really fun, the Hispanic people are so welcoming and nice! Not at all like Americans, haha. Just kidding, some Americans are nice... And yesterday I had to lead the music in Sacrament meeting, but the hymns were in Spanish so I was literally up there singing "I don't know these words or how to say them or la la" and it was a branch so it's tiny so they probably all heard me... hahaha oh well. 

 So yeah, crazy week last week, but a good one ahead! Yesterday there was SEVEN INVESTIGATORS AT CHURCH. I wasn't there to see it, but I just was beaming when I heard that. 

 I've also learned a lot about prayer. Prayer is sooooo cool. I mean, we get to talk to our Heavenly Father! And He is there to listen to us! But not only to listen to us, but to talk to us! He's got some stuff to say too! This week I've really been trying to listen and ponder and meditate while I'm praying. It's been amazing because sometimes I feel like I'm just saying the same thing over and over again... but as I listen and think, I feel impressed to pray about certain things. So basically Heavenly Father is telling me what to tell Him.... what a wonderful, amazing, beautiful thing. And how cool is Heavenly Father for telling us what to pray for!! He's great. 

The way that I am feeling right now is a miracle. I was at the lowest point of my whole life one day and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ (and a little bit of essential oils) I am able to move forward. The way I feel now compared to the way I did then, it's a world of a difference. 

 I love you all SO MUCH! Thank you for all that you do for me. You are so wonderful and I pray for you everyday. 

Sister Scott. 

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