Monday, October 7, 2013

Week 2 as a Spanish Missionary!

Heyyyy everyone! 

 So, it was so good to talk Mom and Ian on Thursday. I am so sorry that I couldn't talk to everyone, I really wish that I could have, but Christmas is only 3 months away! I am so glad that you can understand the things that I am going through. I miss you all a lot and I am looking forward to talking to you again! 

 I think that most of you will know what happened this week, but I'll just give a quick recap to those who don't. Last Tuesday, my companion, Sister Yeager, decided that she didn't want to be in this companionship anymore and told President that she needed a transfer. So later that day we went on exchanges with Sister Andersen and Sister Hansen and then Wednesday we were both transferred. So my companions are Sister Andersen and Sister Hansen and we live in Lake Stevens now. Sister Yeager lives up north in Ferndale. So yeah, this week has been rough and very emotional but I have hope that things will be better next transfer. President Bonham has involved me with transfers and what I think I would be able to handle. I'm not sure where I will be going, but I will find out tomorrow! 

 I've been able to teach my investigators a little bit this week if I had a set appointment or something, but mostly we've been in the Spanish Branch! So this is my second week being a Spanish missionary! I even learned how to pray in Spanish! 

 Investigator update: Audrey is on date for baptism! October 19th! And Genevieve's baptism got pushed back to next week. 

 Let me tell you how much General Conference was for me. A little bit ago, my counselor diagnosed me, using a test, with depression. I never thought that depression would ever be something I would have to deal with, but it happened. And then Elder Holland's talk. Tears were flowing from my eyes within the first sentence. Heavenly Father knows me and He knows my struggles. He knows what I need to hear and I can't wait to study that talk more and more. I also had another really cool experience. I was looking for an answer to a very specific question. (This question is a very personal thing and I would prefer not to share it at the moment, but maybe later :) ) It was a yes or no answer and so before conference, I was thinking of how Heavenly Father was going to answer this question because it was very specific and so I thought " know if the choir sang Abide With Me 'Tis Eventide that would answer my question." So after President Monson spoke for the last time, and it was over, I had kind of forgotten about this question and then the choir sang Abide With Me; 'Tis Eventide. Once again, tears just flowing from my eyes because I knew that God cared. I knew that He wanted to answer every one of my questions. It was such a cool experience. 

 What was YOUR favorite part of conference?? In your next letter, you should tell me your favorite talk and why it was your favorite! I can't wait to hear everyone's answers! 

This week, Heavenly Father has blessed me with the ability to stay in the presence. Even with all the happened this week, I am able to put it behind me and move forward. I couldn't do that without the Grace of God. I know that Heavenly Father has so much in store for me. 

 I love you all! Thank you for your prayers! 

 Sister Scott

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