Monday, October 28, 2013

How to Teach the Law of Chastity to a 9 Year Old Boy

Hey Everyone! 

 I hope that Gma and Emilee had a good birthday this week! I sent you both a letter so hopefully you got it! 

Well...this week was a little bit more tough. The panic attacks and everything came back full force... it's discouraging because I was doing so well... I wasn't feeling anxiety or depression and all the sudden everything just comes back full force. On Monday, I received a very, very strong impression that it would be okay if I came home. This impression brought on a panic attack and it left me feeling so scared and so confused. I prayed and prayed and prayed and I realized I needed a Blessing. Some Elders came over and gave me one and in the blessing, again, I felt it would be okay if I came home. It was also coupled with it would be okay if you stayed here too. Each time I prayed about this impression, I received the same two answers... it would be okay to stay.. it would be okay to go. And I had a good session with my counselor. She helped me realize...yes it would be okay if I came home. I could do a lot of good at home, I could learn a lot from coming home because it would be really hard and I would be very humbled. But then we talked about staying. I could do a lot of good here... I would be able to help people and other missionaries and learn a lot and be humbled. I'm not sure why Heavenly Father gave me this impression...especially when everything was so good and I felt so good. But... in the Blessing he said that He gave this to me for a reason...there is something to learn here. And I want to be here. I want to serve in Washington, I really do. So that's what I'm doing today. I don't know what will happen tomorrow or next week or next transfer, but today I am here to serve the Lord. 

 This week we taught a lot of lessons to investigators. One is Aidan, he is a nine year old boy and we had to teach....the Law of Chastity. It was really really awkward. Sister Merrill began explaining and you could just see him squirm in his chair and she just couldn't get the words out and luckily his mom jumped in and explained it... phewf... it was bad...but it was pretty funny too :) 

 We also got two new investigators this week! Amanda is a woman in her 30's...she has three kids and she is single. She is super sweet and we gave her a Book of Mormon. Another is Robert. He is in his 40's, he is so so so nice and he is married with two kids and is curious about our faith. He's basically a closet Mormon. 

This week I went on exchanges with Sister Cromar! Sister Cromar is theeee best. I love her. We met each other at trainers training. And we just connected from the beginning. The picture I am attaching to this is me and her at the library today! I literally just barely took this picture :) Anyway, our exchange felt like two old friends just hanging out together.... it was a lot of fun and we saw a lot of miracles too! She and I have similar stories and so we really could confide in each other and talk about our lives and our experiences on missions and before our missions.  I love Sister Cromar! 

 Her area is my old area in good ol' Quil Ceda Creek! So I got to go back to my old area! The members knew I was coming and I came back with a whole pack of diet coke and lots of treats and chocolate (they know me too well) (and they love me too much) But Sister Cromar hasn't been able to get a hold of Audrey. Remember her? We put her on date and she kinda just fell through the cracks. It was really disappointing and so I really wanted to go see her. We go to her door and have an amazing lesson with her! I was able to promise really specific blessings to her for her situation if she were to get baptized. She agreed and she felt the Spirit a lot. She is back on track, thank you Heavenly Father! 

We have an investigator that has been investigating for about 3 months now. She has never been on date and has never come to church. So we decided she needed to get baptized. We went over and taught her a lesson... this was my first lesson with her. The Spirit was SO STRONG. And we invited her to be baptized and she accepted!! On November 23rd! This is huge because she has never even been close to baptism! It was the miracle of the Holy Ghost testifying to her of this truth. 

 I hope that everyone has a wonderful Halloween! I can't go trick or treating. (figures) but we'll probably eat lots of candy and stuff :)

 Love you all! And don't worry about me... I'll be fine :) 
 Sister Scott

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