Monday, October 21, 2013

Fishy Fish Fish

Hey family!! 

 So basically, I am doing really well :) I've learned a lot of coping skills that I just didn't have before and so I am able to handle stress and anxiety and depression. My companion is awesome! I really love her a lot! I can open up to her and really trust her. We have also had a lot success this week! We were able to teach a lot of lessons and contact a lot of people. 

 So our mission is doing a little competition type thing... we are trying to contact as many people as possible and so every day we report how many contacts we get in that day. And so being on bike, it's really easy to contact people because you just talk to every person you pass. And so on Saturday we were like... we are gonna get 30! Usually we get like 22 on a really good day. And so it was like 3 pm and we only had 3...and so we thought there was no way we could get even 30. So we start tracting and street contacting and then all the sudden we have we're like sweet we can do 30... then all the sudden we have 30. And Sis Merrill was like let's go for 40...and then she brought up 50 and we thought there would be no way. And then all the sudden we have 40. AND THEN WE GOT 51. It was so awesome. We were exhausted, but we felt very accomplished. Today we found out the highest in the mission is 55... so we'll totally pass that up one day :) It was really cool because we had a lot faith and we got a lot of really cool potentials and mostly everyone was nice to us! We got the occasional grunter or the ignorer, but it was really great. :) 

 So.... I've been really lucky on mission because no one has ever fed me fish. And I've been dreading the day I would eat the wretched animal. I've always been able to avoid it... the people would always make another entree or I would be on exchanges when they were served fish...or they would cancel. So last week we go to this persons home. It is a really sweet old couple and they say "I hope you guys like fish!" The whole world around me seems to disappear as I stare at my fate on the counter. In my head I'm thinking..."Maybe it won't be so fishy..maybe it will taste good..." Then I smell it... I start gagging already and I knew I was going down. We sit down at the table and luckily they had side dishes... I dish some up and I eat most of the side dishes...avoiding the fish. I decided to leave some of the salad and vegetables so that I could get some of the taste out of my mouth in between bites. So then I cut some of the fish and stab it with my fork...then I realized that I didn't have any I got some water and put off the inevitable a little bit longer. I put in my mouth and I barely let it touch my tongue and just hurried and chewed and swallowed. I did this with about half of the fish until I could take no more. Me and fish...we don't get a long... I wonder how long I can avoid it again... hopefully for forever.... 

 We also met a Wicken this week...that was interesting... he was really weird. 

 MIRACLE OF THE WEEK: So this investigator, Beau. He approached Sis Merrill and her last companion last transfer and said that he has been trying to find missionaries so they can teach him and he can be baptized! What the... that is a miracle. So his girlfriend is a member...but she is pretty anti when it comes to the church so it's been a conflict between them. It was getting really hard to meet with him because of his girlfriend so we decided to let him come to us. If he really wants it...he will make an effort. So last week he texted us and told us that he really misses the lessons and that he needs this in his life and he wants to be baptized as soon as possible. The next day we met with him and put him on date for baptism! Everything that he says is so cool. He has so much faith and basically we don't even have to teach him because he just knows everything already... but we still will teach him. It's been so cool to teach someone so prepared. He reminds me of Genevieve in the way that he accepts everything and does everything so willingly. 

 Thank you for your prayers. I miss you all a lot... and that's a struggle but I am trying to give all my pains and all my joys to the Lord. I know that He will take care of everything, as long as I work hard and be obedient. I know that this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And this isn't just a's a way of life, a way of living. And sometimes I cannot believe that I was blessed enough to be raised in a Christ centered home where I could partake of His Gospel. But I was given those blessings so I could share it with others. And that's why I am here. 

 Love you all! 
 Sister Scott

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