Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Rains Came Down and the Blessings Came Up

Helllo everybody! 

 Before this week, it hadn't even rained while I was on bike...which was weird.... 

 but this week... I finally experienced the rain on bike! It was actually a lot of fun. We were wringing out our skirts because we were so soaked and it was quite cold...but that's okay :) We had a lot of blessings this week. We had two investigators at church yesterday! Aidan and Jamie came! Jamie is really progressing so we're really excited about that. 

 My emotions are up and down and then back up and then back down.... it's hard because a lot of the time I don't feel like I have control but I am learning to give it all to the Lord. I'm learning to give Him all my hopes and dreams and also my pains and weaknesses. As I do this, it becomes easier to do His work. 

This week was Halloween! I dressed up as Minnie Mouse... (as best as I could okay?) Pictures to follow. We went to the ward Halloween party and then we had to go home early because we couldn't proselyte. It was good...we had a TON of candy... it was kind of ridiculous. 

 So on Saturday my old investigator Genevieve got BAPTIZED! My first baptism! :) It was such a great feeling, and the Spirit was very strong. I was so happy that I could be there and she asked me to give the talk on the Holy Ghost. I shared my favorite scripture John 14:27 with her. I was so happy that she was my first baptism and her whole family will be baptized soon :) Also SISTER LUNDELL WAS THERE!! or should I say Cortney...haha it was so good to see her. I miss her a lot and it was hard to say goodbye but I'm so glad that I got to see her. 

On Saturday it was raining really hard and we had an appointment with Aidan. He had been cancelling every appointment that we had earlier that week and it's about a half an hour bike ride to his house and so we would ride out there just for him and then we would have to immediately come back but we decided to have faith and go to the appointment and he wouldn't cancel. So we showed up, soaking wet, and we had a really good lesson! It was great and totally worth it :) 

 i love you all so much! Thank you for all you do for me!

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