Monday, November 18, 2013

Marysville 4 Life

Hello everybody! 

 So I'm sure that all of you know about the Typhoon in the Philippines (you probably found out way before I did) and I just wanted to express the sorrow that I feel for these people. I'm grateful that all the missionaries are safe and people have been telling me stories about these things that the missionaries are going through, and they are an example to me of endurance and sacrifice. I can't imagine going through something like that while you are on a mission. It would be so terrifying and we pray here for them everyday. I know that the Lord is weeping with these people and that He protected all the missionaries. I know that the Lord protects me everyday and I'm so grateful for that. 

 But even with all the devastation in the world, the work moves forward. This week, we taught a bunch of lessons and they were really powerful. I've really tried to make studying Preach My Gospel a priority this week and it has really paid off. I've been able to recognize and follow the Spirit easily so that people can hear what they need to hear. Heavenly Father really blesses those that are obedient to Him! Okay so I wanted to tell you some facts about Washington that I didn't know until I got here... 
1. It gets dark at about 4:15. I'm not even joking. It's like pitch black. At 4. 
 2. Everyone says bage instead of bag. Canada, eh? 
3. The grass is green in the winter and brown in the summer. Backwards? 
4. Nobody turns on lights in their home. Everyone just sits in the dark. We have lessons in the dark! 
5. Old people say Worshington. It's true. 
6. The rain here is like a mist. Like one of those misting machines.
 7. It always smells like a camp fire. 
 8. There is ALWAYS traffic. Doesn't matter the time of day, it's always there. 
9. There is a coffee stand on every corner. Surprise, surprise. 

 And I've realized that I haven't really told you about where I live! I live right next to WinCo. So basically, it's great! haha...our apartment is huge! We have two full bathrooms, so I get my own bathroom. I love that. And we also get free Baja Blasts at Taco Bell, just cause we're missionaries! 

 I've noticed that I am changing into a better person. Because of my mission, I will be a better wife and mother. I'll be a better friend, daughter, and sister. I'll just be better. A big change that I've noticed in myself is that I'm really clean.... it's kinda weird because I used to be so messy! haha... if our apartment is messy, I get like really anxious and I can't do anything so I have to clean haha... what has my life come to!? haha oh well it's a good life skill to have I guess. 

 So it's transfers week this week! Me and Sister Merrill will stay here in the Fire Trail ward. I'm very happy about this! I don't feel like I could train right now because I don't exactly feel emotionally stable and Sister Merrill is helping me everyday to help me be more okay. So yeah, still here in Marysville. Probably be here for my whole life or something. :) 

 So on Saturday we have ELDER BEDNAR IS COMING! What the.... I'm really excited but also he might give us like a spiritual smack down or something so I might be a little nervous haha. But, it will be good. He is speaking to just our mission and it's just completely random that he's coming, but it's awesome! I'm not sure we will be able to shake his hands, I think we are all really hoping he will! But President asked me to direct the music, so I will be able to sit on the stand with him, which is way cool. I'll let you know next week how it is! 

So when I came into this ward, the ward didn't really seem to like the Sister Missionaries. I mean, they respected us, but they didn't really treat us like real people. And I came from a ward where they LOVED us and so coming into this ward was a little bit different. But, throughout this transfer, I've seen the ward members really warm up to us and as we talk to more people and are friendly with everyone and work hard, I see them really changing their view of us Sisters and we've developed some great friendships. (shout out to Sister Lewis) 

 I love you and I pray for you. I'm taking things one day at a time. Sometimes I even take one hour at a time, but that's all I can do right now. The church is true! 

Sister Scott

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