Monday, November 25, 2013

It's Thanksgiving Yo!


This might be a slightly shorter email.. I only have an hour on the computer because today's not actually P day! They moved our p day to Thursday (because it's Thanksgiving in case you didn't know) but they gave us an hour to email today! 

Some highlights this last week: 

 I got sick AGAIN. Seriously... it's getting to be a bit ridiculous. I lost my voice so you can just picture me talking in a squeaky voice. haha... I'm mostly better now.

 We got a new district leader! His name is Elder Pectol and he's from Heber. So I'm about 90% sure that we're related because we have Pectol's in our family. And he's from Heber..sooo... 

 And of course, we saw ELDER BEDNAR! what the crap. It was definitely the best conference or fireside or whatever you wanna call it I've ever had. It was so amazing. He is SO COOL. He was just so relaxed and he's hilarious. He's probs my new favorite now. 

 He got up and said so you're all probably expecting me to give a lecture and for you to write down everything I say... and he said that was not how it was going to work. He said that it has become culture in the church to just write down everything the speaker said and that we should just write down impressions from the Holy Ghost. Because we won't loose them and we will use them later. In preparation for this meeting, we all had to read three talks given by Elder Bednar. So we studied our little guts out and he started asking us... "Okay, what did you learn from the talks?" Then someone would stand up and say what they would learn and how it effects them. He would elaborate a little bit and then move on to the next one. We did this for probably an hour and a half. Then the last hour and a half we got to have a question and answer with him! Basically. The COOLEST THING OF MY LIFE. He just answered questions about doctrine and about missionary work and about life. It was such an intimate setting and making eye contact with Elder Bednar is just about the best thing ever. He taught a lot about teaching. He also taught about agency, marriage, and he taught about miracles. He is a man of God, I sure have a testimony of that. 

Well I was sick this week and the lovely Sister Lewis from the ward brought me Airborne and a huge thing of Diet Coke. What a gem. :) I'm grateful for people who take care of me out here. 

 I love you all so very much and you mean the world to me! Unfortunately, I'm still having panic attacks but one day it will be fixed! 

 Sister Scott

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