Friday, November 15, 2013

The Hunger Games

Helllooo everybody! 

 I hope that Dad's birthday was fun and that Dad had a good day, I sang Happy Birthday to companion is was a little weirded out what I busted out in song haha... 

 This week has been a week of music, for which I am so so so grateful. I sang in Sacrament on Sunday and it was wonderful to be able to share my testimony through music. This lady named Sister Crawford in my ward accompanied me. She is so wonderful, I really love her. As we were practicing, she stopped and said "Wow, you really share your feelings through the way you sing." When I sing, I feel the deepest emotions, music just does that to me, it brings all these feelings and they are expressed through singing. It's a healing power for me. Also, we went to a dinner appointment at a women's house. She said that she has a tradition of the missionaries singing before dinner because it really brings the Spirit. Sister Merrill starts like having a heart attack and I thought she was joking so I'm like "Sure! I'll sing!" And then she got out the hymn book and I quickly realized she WASN'T joking and that we really did have to sing. Sister Merrill hates singing and so I just sang a solo. It was acapella and wasn't anything special, but I LOVED it! 

 On Wednesday and Thursday of last week me and Sister Merrill were sick. We even got our flu shots and everything! On Wednesday, I woke up feeling terrible and I couldn't really move haha... and then on Thursday that is how Sister Merrill was feeling. We are mostly recovered now, so don't worry! But for two days straight the only time we went outside was to get the mail... haha... we went a little bit crazy. 

 Yesterday for P Day, we went to the church and played blow darts with our District. We are on teams and we hide behind tables and chairs and shoot the other team. I don't even know why, but it was SO MUCH FUN. Basically, I just pretended I was really good at it so people got scared of me haha. The last round we played, we weren't on teams, it was just everybody goes at each other (kind of like Hunger Games) and guess who was the victor? That's right. I was. haha. Me and Sister Merrill decided to be on an alliance and so we destroyed everybody and then it was just us left and everybody was like "Okay! Now kill each other!" and as Sister Merrill was saying how she couldn't shoot her companion, I just killed her without even a blink hahaha... it was hilarious. We have to do some companionship inventory now hahaha just kidding, we still love each other :) 

 I would like to share a scripture that I read this week. It's Alma 36:21. Alma the Younger is talking about his repentance process. It says "..there could be nothing so exquisite and bitter as were my pains...that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy." There is opposition in all things. We have to feel pain to feel joy. And so if you feel a small amount of pain, then you'll only be able to feel a small amount of joy. But as you feel more pain, you can feel more joy. What a beautiful, beautiful thought. Even though I've felt more pain and more trial than ever, that opens the door for me to feel more happiness and joy than ever. 

 Anxiety, depression, lonliness, etc. it's all there. And I'm not sure when it will go away or if it will go away. But every thing that is unfair will be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I can't believe how lucky we are to have this knowledge. Keep your prayers coming, I love them. I pray for you all everyday. 

So a new investigator just fell into our hands. His name is Fred. He is 50 and he is severely Autistic. He is so sweet though. His mom is a member and she decided that she wanted to get him baptized so we get to teach him now! He is on date for next Sunday, but we are not totally sure of when it will happen. 

 Love you all! 
 Sister Scott

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