Sunday, July 14, 2013


     July 13, 2013
Dear Family and friends!

I love you all so much! Thank you SO SO SO much for all the packages and letters.  It's like Christmas everyday.  It's awesome. :)  Letters are being sent your way, so do not fret!  Okay I leave the MTC on TUESDAY! Can you believe that it's already time to go? I just got here!  My flight is at 820 and I expect I will call you around 7 or 730. I will just call Mom's phone. I'm just going to get a calling card at the bookstore.  So you can send Dear Elders on Monday and packages on Monday if you want too :)   And I'm sure I have many spelling errors and stuff, just fix those please :) Richie and Victoria, I haven't heard anything from you guys yet! Waiting and waiting! :)

My goodness I still love the MTC.  The first week was sooooo slow, but this week has just FLOWN BY!  It's crazy that it's already Saturday and that it's already time to go!  But, I definitely feel more prepared and ready than before. I'm just excited to meet my Mission President and my new companion!  And see the beautiful state of Washington! :) I love the people already there and pray that their hearts will be softened so they can partake of this glorious gospel!

Okay, I'll tell you about my investigators! I have 3! One is Lawanna, she's black and she's such a strong woman.  She is about 30's and she has Breast Cancer.  She's gone through so much and we just love her dearly. Next is Barbara, she's about 60 and she is one smart cookie.  She knows her stuff but she has really grown to love us and she loves the fact that our Heavenly Father is a person! She just couldn't get over that!  It was cool to teach her about that!  Next we have Buford.  He's an old man in his 70's.  Lemme tell you how much I love Buford.  Actually I can't tell you, because I love him TOO MUCH.  He's just so sweet and he's so willing to learn and hear the gospel.  He's patient and he has a southern accent.  Bless him. We've been guided by the Spirit to teach and plan for these investigators.  Unfortunately we won't get to finish teaching them though, because we're leaving. :)   Keep in mind, all these investigators are actors... haha they are all great. :)

Okay things I've learned at the MTC:
1. The Doctrine of Christ is the way to Eternal Salvation. (read 2 Nephi 31 it's the best)
2. Missionary work is TOUGH. 
3. Missionary work is also the BEST.
4. Waking up at 630 isn't that hard.
5. Gladys Knight makes for some sweet dance parties.
6. The Lord cares about the details.
7. The West Campus is where it's at.
8. English speaking is the greatest thing.
9. 12 days is plenty of time here at the MTC.
10. The way to spend gym time is by playing on the play ground.
Those are just some things I've learned here.

I'm going to start saying the MIRACLE OF THE WEEK!
So this week.... one night I set my alarm for 6:00 (we have to wake up at 6 because we need time to get ready for breakfast at 645) and then went to bed.  The next morning, I woke up, which was weird because I usually just sleep straight to the alarm, but I woke up and looked at the clock at it was 620! Ahhhhh I jump up and get the other Sisters up and we rush to get ready.  I definitely know Heavenly Father woke me up that morning so we wouldn't be late!  Hurray for miracles!  :) :)

I love you all so much and the next time I will email you, I'll be out in the field! YYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAYYYY! I'm so excited!  The great thing about Missionary Work is that God is on OUR side!  We can do anything, because we have our dear Heavenly Father there with us, strengthening us and he wants us to suceed.  There is nothing more empowering than knowing that Heavenly Father wants you to succeed. I'm so grateful that I can focus my whole heart on the gospel and on helping people.  There is nothing holding me back and I can't wait to start teaching people! (keep in mind, I know it's not all going to be fun and games) Talk to you soon!

If you send handwritten letters from now on, just send them to my actual mission address. It's in my booklet, which I left in the red bin in my room.  Post my address on Facebook, please!  LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. I'm going to send you some pictures! I have to send them one by one cause it's dumb... sorry mom for the billion emails.

Go with love!
Sister Scott

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