Monday, July 22, 2013


July 22, 2013


 I assume you have not received my letter I sent last Wednesday....maybe? I dunno. Anyway, I am in MARYSVILLE. What a city. And my companion is Sister Lundell. My area is including an Indian Reservation called Tulalip (Too Lay Lip). In my ward, named Quil Ceda Creek, we have two sets of missionaries! Us and some Elders. So we split up the area and me and Sis Lundell are on the Res... ohhh yeah :) The Elders get the city. 

 We are white washing this area! Which means two new missionaries come in and take over. This week has been A LOT of organizing and getting our heads on straight. 

 So the Res.... haha it's a bit....sketchy sometimes. Don't worry Mom, we're fine. But there is definitely a lot of drugs and drinking. There is a lot of work to be done! We both felt like the Res is where we should work and we are certainly trying! 

 My ward is the Celestial ward... but for real. The Ward Mission Leader is like 26 or something and he is on the ball with this work. And our Bishop is amazing! He is so helpful and we get a text from him like everyday tell us people to go visit. It really just makes our job so easy :) And our WML gets us a lot of dinners... sometimes too many :) We have been SUPER busy! I haven't even gone tracking yet! We have just gone from person to person and there is still so many people to see! It's been crazy fun and tiring... I thought I was tired in the MTC...yeah right. 

 So I'm sure you're all dying to hear if I like my companion. Well guess what.... we are basically soul mates haha :) Seriously, I looooove her! We are so very similar and we just love each other. We have the same sense of humor, we have the same style, but it's great because even though we're similar, we are different too.. like we both like singing (she has a beautiful voice) but she's a Soprano and I'm an Alto. And she likes the green squirt gun, I like the blue one (thanks Morgan and Kaytlin for the guns, they've helped us out) And she likes Jelly and I like Peanut butter....well we both like both of those things...but it just sounded good. hahaha. I REALLY lucked out with her being my trainer. She pushes me but then she also lets me takes naps. :) We have been having so much fun and it's just so awesome. I am really wondering why Heavenly Father has blessed me so much on this mission, it just kind of blows my mind how much I have been blessed.  
So some adventures this week that I would like to share: 
1. We got chased by a dog... Welcome to the Res. 
2. As we pulled up to a man's house, he darted inside and ignored us...thanks man. 
3. We went to Teriyaki! They are EVERYWHERE's a little weird... 
4. We protected ourselves with squirt guns when there was some cops and stuff around...sketch. 
5. So many people think we are nuns... no thank you. 
6. A Jehovah Witness asked us if we were Witnesses and then ran away when she found out we were LDS. 
7. We approached some people sitting on a truck that had written on it "PORNOS 4 PYROS" and asked them for some people and they told us to go to the back where they were drinking and getting high... welcome to the Res... 

 MIRACLE OF THE WEEK: Everyone has cats here... and there is cat hair EVERYWHERE and so I was worried with my allergies and all, and we were teaching a family and during a prayer a little boy PUT A CAT ON MY LAP. uhhhh thanks? Anyway the miracle is that I haven't had any allergies and that is just quite amazing. 

 Okay. I love you sooo much! :) 

 Miss you!! 

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