Sunday, July 14, 2013

First Handwritten Letter on the First Day at the MTC

July 3, 2013

I'm at the MTC!! So, I love it here! It has such a cool spirit. Usually the Spirit makes me emotional, but here it makes me feel strong. It's incredible and I wish you could all feel it! So, I'm sure you're dying to here about my companion. Her name is Sister Boaz! So Victoria, you were right! She has Spanish back ground. Her dad is Puerto Rican, but she doesn't speak Spanish and it's her first day! She's going to
 Everett, too! She's from San Diego and she played on a soccer team at San Diego State. When  she decided to serve a mission, the coaches didn't understand why she was leaving so they aren't letting her come back! What a sacrifice! But BYU picked her right up and so she'll be going there after her mission. 

SURPRISE I have 2 comps. My other comp is named Sister Jones! She's from Gilbert! She went to  BYUI and she was almost engaged and felt she needed to go on a mission. Another huge sacrifice. Sister Jones is 20 and Sis Boaz is 21. And Sis Jones' companion was supposed to come today too but she isn't coming anymore. So we are a trio! Sis Jones is also going to Everett. I really love them already. They are so smart and spiritual. I have so much to learn from them! They are always willing to share thoughts and they are quick to act on promptings. They are both really easy going too and we are all committed to teaching by the Spirit. My district is 4 elders and us 3 sisters. All the elders are 18 and just graduated. We are all going to Everett,which is crazy! That's pretty rare, I guess.There aren't any weirdos, I like all the elders, they seem like hard workers. My teachers are Brother.....I can't remember his name but he is awesome! I really like him! My other teacher is Sister Lamplugh, pronounced Lamploo. She's awesome too :). I know two people in my zone, both from BYU. So it was fun to see familiar faces. :) And our zone is basically our branch. I have met my branch presidency,except for my Branch President. He got in a biking accident and had to get a hip replacement so he's recovering from that. I'll meet him on Sunday though :).Also! I got assigned as the sister training leader,which is basically the sister zone leader. So that's cool :). I'll be helping the new missionaries next week giving them tours training, devotionals, etc.  And I'll be alone with two elders..ha ha. One elder is the elder at the restaurant! I'll be working with him and his companion!

Don't be too sad, things are amazing here! I barely even have time to be homesick! The Church is true! I'll email on Saturday, my P-Day. Love you and miss you!

Go with love!

Sister Scott

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