Sunday, July 14, 2013

First letter from the MTC

July 6,2012


I'm seriously sooo excited to right to you today!!! I've been thinking of all the things that I'm going to tell you :)  So, I sent a handwritten letter and I am guessing that you haven't received it yet... so, sorry if you already know what I'm telling you and I guess that letter won't be too exciting haha.. so I have TWO companions! One is Sister Boaz, she is half Puerto Rican, so Victoria, you were right! She is hispanic.  But.  She doesn't speak spanish and she's going to Everett, Washington too! She is 21 years old and she's from San Diego.  My other companion is Sister Jones.  She is from Arizona and she is twenty.  Her companion didn't show up on the first day so that's why we are a trio! I love them both dearly! They are so inspired and I have so much to learn from them :)  I really lucked out when it comes to the companion department!  It's kinda funny cause I feel like I'm usually the last one to be ready, but I'm always the first one now, a little different!  But it's good! I feel much more productive here!

So far, I AM IN LOVE WITH THE MTC.  Seriously.  I am learning SO SO MUCH.  I feel like I've been here at least a week, when it's only been a couple days! 12 days will definitely be more than enough for me to learn a ton of things!  The west campus is awesome!  We have suuper nice apartments and it's a lot more chill here.  It's also a lot smaller which is nice!  But, the food is like a lesser version of the main campus food, haha or so I've heard.  I think we're going to go each lunch right after this to eat at the main campus.  And Jen, my apartment is right above the one you lived at! Way cool, right?

My teachers are sooooooooooooooo great. I lllooooove them.  One is Brother Crandall and one is Sister Lamplugh.  They bring the Spirit and they are just so knowledgable.  Ahhh there is so little time to write you.
Okay, so a couple of things. I forgot a towel.  hahah. yup, if I could that asap that would be great. Maybe today? And also, I seemed to have left all of the socks I own at home, so if you happen to find any nude no show socks, could you send those too? I got your package Mom! Thank you!  I had a show and tell to all the Elders, they certainly loved looking at my clothes. hahaha.

So my district!  I loooove my district. We have Elder Buchanan, Elder Thompsen, Elder Payne, and Elder Jasperson and then us three Sisters.  We are already super close and we sure love each other. Elder Thompsen got a big bucket of cheese balls.  Can't escape those cheese balls haha.  I love the Elders, they are all 18, but they treat us so well and it's just super great.  They are also going to Everett!  And there's another district of Elders going to Everett too! 15 missionaries total!  That's insane! But real cool too.  Our Zone consists of 6 districts and they are all awesome!  4 districts will be leaving us on Monday to go to the field and then we'll get a whole bunch of new missionaries! 
And I got my first assignment! I've been asked to be the Sister Training Leader and it's basically the Zone Leader for the Sisters!  I don't start until tomorrow, but I'm super excited to welcome the new Sisters and help them along :) 
I"m out of time! I wish I could write more! I'll talk to you next week! LOve you all!!! I'm so happy here! :)

Sister Scott

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