Monday, September 30, 2013

Canned Green Beans-This Week-Space Mountain


 So this week....has been a ROLLER COASTER! Unfortunately it's not as fun as Space Mountain...but on the the up side, this week has definitely been better than canned green beans... haha... so yeah...I'm just thinking I'm really funny and clever right now. :) 

 I've been up and down and side ways and upside down with my emotions this week. Last week when I emailed you, I was feeling real good! But then the next day was really tough and so it's just been like that all week. But, that's how missions are, right? Everyday we battle to get out of bed and prepare for the day and everyday we have to make the decision to keep going and to work. Everyday we are rejected and stressed out. Everyday we make mistakes. But how else are we going to learn to that the Lord's way is the right way? We need to experience this pain and grief for the benefit of ourselves! We must find out for ourselves that this gospel brings true happiness and joy. 

 Some good things of the week: 
  • The Relief Society Broadcast! Man, I sure love our Prophet. Every talk was so goood and I learned so much! 
  •  I was able to go on some more exchanges to take a break and I'll be able to go on exchanges this week too. It's a relief to me and I'm very grateful for that relief. 
  •  WE HAVE A BAPTISM THIS WEEK!!!! Genevieve and her daughters, Aliyah and Ariana will be baptized on Sunday, October 6th at 7pm! I'm so excited, I could pee my pants. (but I won't) 
  • General Conference is this week toooO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited for that, if you can't tell :) This General Conference, I'm really looking for answers and for motivation to work. I am really trying to prepare myself for conference by writing down inspired questions. I have faith that they will be answered! 
  • Transfers are next week! President has let me know that I will not be staying with my companion and that I will be transferring somewhere else. Not sure where and I won't know until next Tuesday! I'll write a letter as soon as I find out! 
  •  I've spent a long time pondering and praying about what Heavenly Father wants me to do this last week so I'm not straining myself and then I'd worn out and can't go for the rest of my mission. So me and the Sister Training Leaders have set up a plan that I can take things slowly and recover. So that's what this week is, recovery week! (not from drugs, I swear) It will include a lot of hot chocolate and essential oils and music and rest. I feel positive that Heavenly Father is proud of me, even if I'm not working 24/7. Right now, this is what I need to be doing, and I will be ready to work in another place next week. 
 So even with all of this stuff that is wearing me down, I am able to have some fun :) The Elders in my ward, Elder Caruso and Elder Finley, they are the best :) I love them a lot! I have a lot of fun with them! I'll tell you a funny story. So Elder Caruso, he was sick this week and so he took some cold medicine that made him drowsy and then after it kicked in, instead of going to bed like a normal person, he calls us and is totally loopy and so the Sister Training Leaders were with us at the time and so he is just talking to us and it's really funny because he's so out of it. So we decide to mess with his mind a little bit and Sister Hansen starts talking to him in Spanish. And he was soooo confused and he's like "I feel like this isn't even in English..." And we're like "Elder, you really need to go to bed, we are talking in English!" hahaha it was really funny and it gave me a good laugh :)

 Throughout all of this, all the stress and anxiety that I've had, I have had the gift of knowing that God is there. He will never abandon me and I know that. I know that some people start to question the existence of God in times of trial, and luckily, I don't have that. I know He loves me and hears and answers my prayers. I am so grateful for this! 

Before my mission if I wouldn't warm up my voice for more than a week or something, it would start to crack a lot and I couldn't have as much control and I would be at risk of losing high notes. So that is something that I worried about because there is no time to warm up my voice daily, I can do a little here and there, but not what I need. So I was worried that I would lose notes and stuff, but God has blessed me with a miracle! My voice is in better shape than ever, even with the little time I have to warm up! Last minute, I sang I Need Thee Every Hour in church and I was worried because I hadn't warmed up and there was no time, but I was able to sing it without any problem! It's quite splendid. :) 

 I love you alllllll sosoososoososososososo much! Thank you for the letters, packages, thoughts, prayers, and everything that you have sent my way! I couldn't ask for a better support system and I'm so grateful for you! 

Sister Scott

Monday, September 23, 2013

My Week as a Spanish Missionary

Hellloooooo everyone! I hope that everyone has had a great week, I hope that it was full of fun and laughter. :) 

 So my week was a little crazy. 

 Last Monday, I was fine. I had a relaxing day and I got some Caramel Apple Spice from Starbucks so it was okay. But then Tuesday came. Tuesday, we taught a lesson in the morning and then at lunch time, I couldn't handle it anymore. I just couldn't do it. So I called President and told him what I was feeling and then I went and talked with him at the Mission Office for a little bit. And that night I went on exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders. And they are Spanish Missionaries! So I was with Hermana Andersen in her area. Oh my goodness, I sure love her. She is so nice and fun to be around. I was relieved to not have so much responsibility just for a little bit. And Wednesday came and it was the hardest day I've ever had in my life. I went to counseling and she suggested an emergency transfer. Me and my companion would go to a two different companionships and three pack it. I was so discouraged and so sad and I just wanted relief so President was starting the process of an emergency transfer. And so Thursday Sister Andersen and her companion had to go to a leadership training so I had to go back with Sister Yeager for like half the day. So that morning was just terrible and then I decided that I was just going to take it easy and not take things so seriously that day. And I ended up having a good day. So I prayed a lot about the transfer, and I felt like I had some other options. There are other things that I could do that would make me happy throughout the day. I called President and talked it over with him and he agreed to let me finish out these last two weeks in my area. So, I'm still in Marysville! President is going to make a change at transfers so I'm not sure if I'll be staying in Marysville or going somewhere else. I am doing a LOT better now. I hope that there is no panic attacks this week. Thank you for your prayers, I can feel them strengthening me everyday. 

 So I stayed with Sister Andersen for the whole week and so I got to be a Spanish Missionary! It was....weird. Actually it was really fun, the Hispanic people are so welcoming and nice! Not at all like Americans, haha. Just kidding, some Americans are nice... And yesterday I had to lead the music in Sacrament meeting, but the hymns were in Spanish so I was literally up there singing "I don't know these words or how to say them or la la" and it was a branch so it's tiny so they probably all heard me... hahaha oh well. 

 So yeah, crazy week last week, but a good one ahead! Yesterday there was SEVEN INVESTIGATORS AT CHURCH. I wasn't there to see it, but I just was beaming when I heard that. 

 I've also learned a lot about prayer. Prayer is sooooo cool. I mean, we get to talk to our Heavenly Father! And He is there to listen to us! But not only to listen to us, but to talk to us! He's got some stuff to say too! This week I've really been trying to listen and ponder and meditate while I'm praying. It's been amazing because sometimes I feel like I'm just saying the same thing over and over again... but as I listen and think, I feel impressed to pray about certain things. So basically Heavenly Father is telling me what to tell Him.... what a wonderful, amazing, beautiful thing. And how cool is Heavenly Father for telling us what to pray for!! He's great. 

The way that I am feeling right now is a miracle. I was at the lowest point of my whole life one day and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ (and a little bit of essential oils) I am able to move forward. The way I feel now compared to the way I did then, it's a world of a difference. 

 I love you all SO MUCH! Thank you for all that you do for me. You are so wonderful and I pray for you everyday. 

Sister Scott. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Squirrel

Hello everybody! How is everyone doing?? I've missed you a lot this week, and I'm glad to talk to you again :) 

 This week has definitely been tough! The panic attacks haven't stopped and I'm not really sure what is happening with my emotions or anything. I went to a counselor today and she gave me some things to try to relieve my stress better and to calm down a bit. I have faith that things will get better over time. This transfer is just flying by, I can't believe it's already week 4 of this transfer. It was just yesterday that I got my new companion! Thank you for the many things that you all do for me! 

I have been very blessed though. I don't know if I've ever told you about the Walker's. Brother Walker is the Ward Mission Leader. He is 27 and his wife is 21. I. Love. Them. I love being around them and I love talking to them. They are a blessing and tender mercy from Heavenly Father. I like to go hang out with Sister Walker on P Day's and plus she's a fabulous cook. They are so helpful with this work and they are also so funny and I just love them so much. And I also my Mission President, President Bonham and Sister Bonham. They are so supportive and willing to do whatever it takes to help me. They are very personable and they take time to help each missionary. I really have the greatest mission president. Another thing I've been blessed with is fabulous mission leaders. The Sister Training Leaders have been such a help to me. They are people that I can talk to freely and they give me advice and comfort. As you can see, I have these fabulous people taking care of me. :) 

 So right now, we have 6 investigators! We have Genevieve and her daughters Alea and Ariana. Then we have Chanel and Alexis Rambow. Then we have Audrey! Everyone but Audrey is on date to be baptized but she will be on date real soon :) I love my investigators and I learn so much from them and I'm so happy to be serving them. I don't know what is going to happen. 

 I don't know what challenges lay ahead. I don't know how I should handle them or what will come of them. But I have faith and courage that Heavenly Father is there to guide me. One of my favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon is in 1 Nephi 4:6-7. It says "And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the hings which I should do. Nevertheless I went forth..." Nephi didn't know what would happen or how it would happen. All that he knew is that the Spirit was leading him and that was enough. I know that Heavenly Father has a lot of things planned for me. I know that as long as let the Spirit guide me, I will be okay and I should and will go forth. 

 Okay so I'm sure you're all wondering why I titled this email "The Squirrel." So one morning we had to go out to the car to grab something and so I walked out the door just minding my own business. As soon as I stepped out of the door something hit my foot! And it startled me quite a bit and I was like "WHAT HAPPENED???" And then my companion said it was a squirrel! A squirrel ran into my foot and then ran over my foot.... hahahaha it was actually really funny. I hope your laughing cause I sure am. 

 MIRACLE OF THE WEEK: One night we decided to get some ice cream... so we went to McDonald's and got a hot fudge sundae and lemme tell ya... those things are miracles. They are sooo delicious. It just made me so happy. 

 I love you all so much! I miss you and I hope that you are all doing well! :) 

 Sister Scott

Monday, September 9, 2013

I Need Your Prayers and Letters

Hellloooooo family! 

 Woweee wow. This week has been a whirlwind. I'm very anxious about telling you all of what has happened. 

 So, I've been a wee bit stressed out. I guess I get really hard on myself and stuff.... I expect myself to be this perfect trainer, and I have to have more patience with myself in knowing that I will be better little by little and not be perfect all at once.... that's really hard for me to accept because Sister Yeager definitely deserves a fantastic trainer that knows a whole bunch. And right now the work is pretty slow and this area is my responsibility, it's just a lot to handle. I was letting all this stress and more stress just build up inside of me, and it was really getting me down. I had a very hard time being happy and positive. Even with members that I loooove being with, I could manage to be happy. So on Friday morning, we were having companionship study. And we disagreed on something. It was really small, Sister Yeager thought we should teach one thing to a less active and I thought we should teach another. And really, it shouldn't have been a big deal. They were both awesome things to teach but I could not handle it. I was very annoyed and so I excused myself to go upstairs and calm down a little bit....but unfortunately the exact opposite happened... I couldn't control my emotions or thoughts and I had a panic attack. I've never had one before and so it was very frightening and I wasn't sure what was going on. I called President Bonham and asked me if I wanted to come talk to him. So we went down to his office to talk to him. He talked to me for a while and he suggested that I go to a counselor. So this week, I will be going to a counselor to try and figure out what is going on and what I need to do to help. I hope that it helps and that I can figure all this out. President Bonham gave me a blessing and in it he said "Daughter, be comforted." When he said that, I knew that it was God saying that. I just knew it. I knew that God was there. That was quite amazing. Right now, I just need your prayers! And your letters! I really miss you all a lot. 

 But enough of this hard stuff! 

 Lemme tell you the good things that happened this week: 
1. I got to see Sister Lundell on Friday! What a comfort and a blessing to see her. 
2. We had stake conference this weekend and it was broadcast from Salt Lake! Elder Hales and Elder Perry spoke and gave wonderful talks! It was very great and it made me super excited for Conference! 
3. On Friday, the Elders brought me some ice cream and called me throughout the day to tell me jokes and make me laugh, they're great :) 
4. A button popped off my skirt and I sewed it back on all by my was very fulfilling. 
 5. I read a suuuuuuuuuuper great article in the September 2013 Ensign called "His Grace is Sufficient." It's by Brad Wilcox and oh my goodness, I want everyone in the whole world to read it! So go read it! 
6. I got a lot of packages this week, so THANK YOU! You don't know how much that means to me. 
 7. I'm learning so much about the Bible and the Book of Mormon and how they coincide and the necessity of the Book of Mormon. It's just real grand. 
8. A less active in our ward, named Sister Rambow wants to come back to church and she has two daughters, Chanel and Alexis! They haven't been baptized and will be baptized on October 12th! (Happy birthday Jen!) 
9. It's scarf season!!!!!! 
10. Remember Audrey? She moved to Olympia a couple weeks ago. Well she texted us last week and she is moving back!!! Hurraayyyy! And she wants to come to church so badly and she is just my favorite. 
11. God is always with me. He has his arms wrapped around me. 

This miracle is the miracle of the Eternities. I am learning more and more each day about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I feel the effects of it and I am trying to let it work into my life. The Atonement is the greatest miracle of all and we need to show God how grateful we are for it by keeping the commandments and honoring our covenants. 

 Thank you family for your love and support! I couldn't do anything without you! 

 Love you and miss you! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hola Familia!

September 3, 2013 

 Guess what! I'm a spanish missionary now! 

 hahaha jk's y'all jk's. (My district leader is from North Carolina and he says "jk's y'all jk's" alllll the time and now we all say it) 

 So this week! I have a new companion! Her name is Sister Yeager! We have the same first name, which is cool :) She is from Kansas and she's a cowgirl. She is very obedient and very ready to work hard, it's great :) 

 It's so different being a trainer! My companion is looking to me for what to do say and what to do and I feel like I was just in that position, probably because I was! It's a bit stressful, but I'm learning soooo much about missionary work and I hopefully am a better trainer everyday. 

 The week of transfers is always a little crazy with getting everything all settled so there usually isn't a ton of proselyting time. Last week on Thursday, it started POURING! It was super fun and we were just out visiting a bunch of people and just going from house to house, we were soaked! It was funny when we showed up to dinner and we're like wringing out our hair and clothes.... haha, I love it though! 

 So Genevieve is struggling right now. She is going through a divorce and it's a nasty one so she needs your prayers! We are doing our best to help her as much as we can. She is so great and I will not let her slip away! 

 We got 4 new investigators this week! A single dad and his three sons! They are black and it's great :) We have an appointment with them today and so hopefully we can dunk those guys. (baptize them haha) 

 I love studying this gospel! It's such a testimony builder to read the scriptures and learn more about the Doctrine of Christ. One hour of personal study a day is just not enough! I love this gospel and I'm grateful for alllllllll the many blessings that I have. 

So there is this lady, her name is Barbara, we have been trying so hard to have an appointment with her but she just keeps falling through and everytime she's like "Oh I'm so sorry, I want to meet you guys so badly! Please come back!" I mean, how can we say no to that? So the other night, I was driving to someone's house and then all the sudden I took a wrong turn and I was in front of Barbara's house! I was like "Whoa, this is weird because I could have sworn I was going the right way." And then I decided it must have been a sign so we got out and went to visit her. She actually had time to meet with us! She invited us in and we taught her the first lesson! It was so great! We were very grateful that Heavenly Father had guided us there! :) 

 Love you all! 
 Sister Scott

Monday, September 2, 2013

No Email Today! :(

Heidi did not email today.   I would be worried but have been prepared that this may happen on a holiday.  Maybe tomorrow?   I hope so.