Sunday, August 4, 2013

I Love Being a Missionary!

July 27, 2013
Family and Friends! 

I get so excited to email each week and tell you things that happen! 

 Sometimes I have these moments where I'm like..... "Whoa...I'm a missionary." Haha, it's just really cool being out here serving the Lord. There is so much to do and so much to learn. 

 This week we've met A LOT of people. We've met a ton of less actives in the ward. Most of them are "busy" and then they tell us to try again next week and then they get really surprised that we come back. People don't realize that we are FULL TIME. 

 This is all that we do... so of course we are going to come back! haha silly people. This week a lot of appointments fell through. It's not really that discouraging because I feel that I am doing all that I can... and so we just keep going back and going back until the kick us away. People get "sick" here a lot... but persistence is key! 

 We went by a girl named Shanae's house this week. She is 19 and her mother is a member and her brother has been baptized. Sometimes her mom comes to church, but that's pretty much it. And so we were talking to her about the Book of Mormon and where it comes from and how we know it's true. She had questions of how it fit with the Bible because in Revelations it says that you should not add to this book. Haha classic question. We answered that the Bible is not organized into chronological order and Revelations is not the last book to be written and it is just talking about not adding to the book of Revelations. Then we said a prayer with her and after she said she wanted to take the discussions! Hurray! So we will meet with her this week. 

We were street contacting in the park and we approach a guy. His name is Glen. He was not interested in what we had to say so we steered the conversation towards something else to show that we are actually normal people and then we steered back to religion and then he was interested and he took a Book of Mormon! And he is also meeting with us this week. We also think he might be on drugs... maybe. We can't tell.. sooo we'll just see what happens there! 

 Also funny story, we were trying to find someone in a trailer park and we ran into a lady. We started talking to her and she was a little bit odd... and at first she was saying all these things and we're like we can help you! Read the Book of Mormon! And then she keeps talking to us and how she is ADHD and how she is self medicating and then she told us how she's trying to break her friend out of jail. And she told us about a lot of crazy stuff and finally she told us how her feet are messed up. (by this time we are not giving her anything and are slowly backing away) and then she takes off her shoes and socks and starts SHOWING THEM TO US. I could've barfed. Then she didn't put her socks back on and then she started crying (one of like ten times) and she used her sock to wipe her face... uhhhh just some advice...drugs are bad and they make you crazy. Literally crazy. 

 Me and companion still love each other and we are great :) We are in our ward with two elders. Elder Caruso and Elder Finley. Elder Caruso is great! Elder Finley... he just got here like me and he thinks he knows the whole world.... but we love Elder Caruso so it's all good :) 

 My mission president is awesome! I love him and his wife! They just had to jump right in and it's just been great getting to know them :) 

 Life is good and I can't believe that I've been out for almost a month! I feel like it was just yesterday that you guys dropped me off! So next transfer is at the end of August and we are getting like 27 new Sisters...what the heck... it's crazy. Right now we are at 34 Sisters in our mission so that will like double us! And there will only be one companionship of Sisters that will not be training and so it looks like I could be training after 6 weeks of being out.....makes me a little nervous...but it will be great :) Mainly I just want to stay with Sister Lundell haha we are so great together :) 

 Thank you for all your support! Love you and miss you all! 17 months until I see you! :) 

 Go with love 

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