Monday, August 26, 2013


Hey family! 

 So I know you're all probably DYING to know.. is she training or is she not? Well maybe you're not dying to know, but I'll just pretend you are :) 


 I'm training!! 

 I'm really excited/nervous/sad. 

 I'm excited to learn and grow from training. I always learn the most when I lead and teach others. I'm excited to be an example to her. I'm nervous because I've only been out for 6 weeks....I haven't even finished my training yet! (training lasts for 12 weeks) I'm nervous that she won't respect me as a trainer and that she won't trust me. But! I will do the best I can and I guess if she doesn't respect me, it's her problem. I'm sad because Sister Lundell is leaving :( I will be staying in Marysville and it just won't be the same without her! We've become bff's if you can't tell :) Our time has been cut short. 

 We found out on Thursday that I'll be training and lemme tell ya, I didn't sleep that night. I couldn't eat, I couldn't concentrate on the work, I was TERRIFIED. And sometimes I just like to keep things all inside of me and then on Saturday I kinda just broke down and I spilled my guts to Sister Lundell and Elder Caruso and Elder Finley came and gave me a blessing and told me that God will never leave me. Even though, I feel completely unqualified, but the Lord has put me here in the this mission at this time for a reason! I know that! At the trainers training meeting on Friday, President took me aside and said to me 2 things. 1. Keep training myself as well as my trainee and 2. I do trust you with this assignment, but don't let it get to your head. My first thought was "Oh that's great, he trusts me!" My second thought was "What is he going to do to me???" hahaha. I'll be fine :) I feel a lot better now, I'm still super nervous, but I'll be okay :) I can't wait to meet her and get to know her and have as much fun and work as hard as I did with Sister Lundell. 

 So my MIRACLE OF THE WEEK this week is kinda crazy awesome. A couple Sundays ago there was a cottage meeting. A cottage meeting is where new converts tell their stories and we bring investigators and stuff. It's at the mission home and you have to have someone bring you. So we had a less active to bring us and we were so excited because it was my first one! And last minute, our less active cancels on us and so we call someone else and they will take us! But then right before we had to leave, she calls us and says she just randomly threw up and got real sick. So we call every single person we know! And everybody is busy! And so we're like "Alright... God must want us to stay here." We had NO idea what he wanted us to do so we prayed and then we went to a house that we were parked in front of. We talked to a guy, but it wasn't anything too big. Then we decide to go to another less actives home. So we do! Her name is Lesley Lopez. She is home and we get to know her and we ask her if there was anyone she knew that would accept this gospel. She tells us to go see her daughter Genevieve. So a couple days later we go see Genevieve. Oh. My. Goodness. She is SO prepared to receive this gospel! She is 35 and just got out rehab. She is just thirsting for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So I invited her and her two daughters to be baptized and they accepted! They will be baptized in September and it's just so wonderful! :) She is just eating everything up and she has so much faith and such a sincerity to receive this Gospel. Her daughters names are Alea, who is 10 and Ariana, who is 14. The Lord is truly directing our every path. 

 I cannot believe my first transfer is over! We go pick up our new missionaries tomorrow! It feels like yesterday I was there in that position! I was so nervous and really tired, but it was a special day! I'm excited to be such a big influence in this new sister's life! 

 Last week for P Day, we went to a trampoline gym. It was so fun it felt like it should be apostate. (any time something is against the rules, we call it apostate, it's great) But you could jump on the tramps to the foam pit or do par kour on the side tramps or play dodge ball. We went with our district. It was just so much fun! This week Sister Mereness (a lady in our ward, she's the best) took us to Olive Garden and then to the outlet malls! We are having way too much fun over here, seriously. 

 Me and Sister Lundell sang in Sacrament Meeting yesterday! We sang Joseph Smith's First Prayer to the tune of Come Thou Fount. It was a lot of fun! The arrangement didn't have parts so I got to write the harmonies! It was awesome and I'm happy to be using my talents out here :) 

 Okay, so basically I'm in desperate need of music! (Richie, you were right....) So maybe you could all send me some? Just find some cool uplifting songs and send them my way! I would love that! 

 I love you all so much! Sometimes when one of you pops in my head randomly, I like to think that you are somewhere thinking about me too! I miss you and I pray for you everyday! 


 P.S. The people next to me at the library reek of Marijuana...welcome to Marysville.

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