Monday, August 5, 2013

Cats and Scary Places

Hello everyone! 

 So, it's been a tough week in the field! But definitely a good kind of tough :) Once again, all of our appointments fell through so that's always nice. haha. It's frustrating sometimes but then again, we are working really hard and doing the best we can so a lot of times we just have to leave things up to God. We have 15 potential investigators. And they are all very much potential... not just oh yeah they could perhaps. Everyone seemed very excited to talk with us but some how they keep falling through. BUT NOT THIS WEEK. Me and Sister Lundell made a goal this week to have 11 new investigators. That's right. 11. And it's a lot and it's going to take soooo much work. But we are going to do it! We will get this! But we definitely need your help! Please pray for us to specifically get 11 new investigators. And spread the word! Let this become a world wide prayer! 11 NEW INVESTIGATORS! IT WILL HAPPEN. I have faith in God's plan. 

 So yeah, we haven't been teaching much at all, but we've met a lot of....interesting people. We went tracting by the ocean. So basically they are all pretty rich and they feel that they don't need the Gospel. One lady thought it was appropriate to yell at us TWICE. Thanks.... It's fine, it's easy to laugh it off because it's their loss. We definitely did what we could do and maybe we have planted some seeds and one day they will be prepared to hear this message. I sure hope so! 

 Funny story, we went to a less actives house and she's like "I'm not interested in this church anymore but HOW DO YOU GUYS ALWAYS FIND ME?" Hahaha I guess that she had just moved there and every time she moves she has some missionaries come over to meet her and stuff. Our church is secretly the FBI. hahaha 

 Oh so the other day a lady in our ward gave us some donuts and it took us a while but it was HOSTESS brand! Is it back? When did this happen? Hooray for Hostess! I'm outta the loop here. 

 This week we had received a refferal. His name is Kevin. So we went to Kevin's house and his roommate Brett answered the door and Kevin wasn't home of course. Brett is Agnostic so he wasn't interested but we gave him our card with our number so that Kevin could call us. That night we get a text that says "Hi" and the rest of the conversation as follows 
Us: "Hey, who is this??" 
Unknown: "You came by earlier looking for my roommate." 
Us: "Oh is this Brett?" 
Unknown: "Yep." 
Us: "Oh hey Brett! Are you interested in hearing our message?" 
Brett: "Yeah actually I was talking to Kevin last night" 
Us: "Oh that's awesome! Why don't you talk to Kevin and let us know when we can come teach both you!" 
Brett: "Okay, I will!" 
End convo. 
Then the next two days we don't hear from him. We text him and we don't have any reply.... Then a couple days later we get a text from Brett. 
 Brett: "Hi." 
 We were talking to a less active so we didn't reply but a couple of minutes later we get another text. 
 Brett: "Hey do you guys wanna catch a movie tomorrow?" 
hahahahahaha he asked us on a date. What gave him the idea that we wanted to go out with him? It's a little creepy...we didn't reply and told the Elders to go visit him and see just how interested in the Gospel he really is. 

 So a couple of nights later we were at another less actives home and her son came in and talked to us a little and then asked "So...can you guys go on dates?" We say "No" obviously and then he just like walks away and it was awkward hahaha... we got two date offers in a week! Great times. 

 So I wanna tell you a little bit about what I've learned from my study time! Me and Sister Lundell are reading the New Testament in chronological order and we are studying Jesus the Christ. It's awesome and we learn A LOT! I was thinking about temples and how we go there to become closer to God and to become more like Him. And then I was thinking about our bodies. How they are temples. I think that statement is a lot more profound than we make it out to be. Our bodies are GIFTS from God! God has a body and He gave us our bodies so we could become closer to God and become more like Him. Just like the temple. These bodies are so precious and Satan is so so so so so jealous that he doesn't have one so of course he would use our bodies against us to make us sin against God! This all kind of just hit me and you all probably realized it a while ago but I thought it was neat :) 

 Ian! How was Retreat?? I haven't heard from you in while! You better write me and tell me all about it!! Seriously, I want to know everything. 

And I hope that you all have a fun time on that super cool road trip. Every time someone mentions New York, I'm like "Oh my sister is going there!" haha they probs don't care but I do. 

 Me and Sister Lundell are still doing great as companions :) We love each other especially now since we're like cousins and stuff. :) We literally tell everyone that we meet. It's great. We started a quote wall in our apartment of funny stuff that we have said or done. 

 Okay so I forgot to do MIRACLE OF THE WEEK last week... how embarrassing. So I will do two!! MIRACLES OF THE WEEK! 
1. Okay so basically before my mission whenever a cat was in a ten mile radius of me, I would start to feel it in my throat and chest. We walked into a lady's house. She literally has ten cats. And there is cat hair EVERYWHERE. I'm gettin' a little nervous that I'm gonna like die or something. But I walk out completely fine. Nothing. I drenched myself in hand sanitizer after. And I know that I've already shared that my allergy isn't acting up but that was just one cat! This time it was TEN CATS. 
 2. Okay, I'm going to be honest here. We are in a dangerous place. We can't be outside after dark and we just have to be careful, and I'm not trying to scare you at all, just saying the truth. I feel like whenever I have been in a town like this where it isn't so safe, I get sooo paranoid and scared but I'm not here. I feel very brave. And not the bad kind of brave. After we found out that me and Sis Lundell are related, I received some revelation that our ancestors are with us. They are why we can be so brave because they aren't letting anything bad happen to us. So don't worry Mom, Grandpa Fredrick and Grandma Mary and definitely walking around with us. :) They were very happy when we finally realized that we are related :) 

 Okay I love you all sooo much! Keep the letters coming! (i'm looking at you Ian) 

 Go with love! 
 Sister Scott

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