Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Dating Game Continues

August 19, 2013 

Helllloooo everyone! 

 How are you all? Great? I sure hope so. :) Alright so crazy thing, this is the last week of this transfer! We find out on Thursday if we will be training or not and basically I'm real nervous... I'm not sure what will happen and I reaaaallllly don't want to leave Sister Lundell :( it just wouldn't be the same! 

 So bad news this week... Saturday Glen calls us... he's moving. On Tuesday..... Sad for us, but he'll be in good hands with the new missionaries. He is moving to Blaine...or however you spell it. And it's like the farthest north you can go in our mission. Then on Sunday Audrey tell us that she is moving on Monday... She is moving to Olympia... And we'll also get her in good hands...but it's pretty sad that we don't get to teach them. They were both golden investigators. We'll just have to go to their baptisms! 

 Alright, so I'll tell you what I did with my life this past week. 

Monday we went thrift store shopping! It was great and I found some real cute stuff for like 3 bucks. Grandpa would be proud. 
 Tuesday was my first Zone Conference! It was awesome and me and Sister Lundell sang I Know That My Redeemer Lives! It went well :) I learned a lot of great things and stuff :) Me and Sister Lundell got the award for cleanest car...oooohhhhhh yeah. That thing was sparkling. The rest of the day we visited people. We went to dinner at the Guzman's, boy they are funny people. They are members and they have like a billion grand kids and none of them are members. Shanae, one of our investigators, is their grand daughter. 
Wednesday we had to go to Everett for an appointment for Sister Lundell and a less active is at the hospital doing chemo there in Everett so we stopped by but she was sleeping so we got her a bear and a note and it was great :) 
 Thursday we did service at Sister Bailey's house. We had to pick apples and there were spiders EVERYWHERE on the tree. It was bad...bad bad bad. We looked ridiculous but was pretty funny. Then she had us shuck some corn and then cut off the kernels... We did like 40 of them... we were just covered in corn and grossness. I felt like one big giant kernel of corn. Then we had a lesson with Shanae! It went SOOO well. She asked so many great questions and she was able to feel the Spirit and she wants to keep meeting with us. She will be baptized one day! 
Friday we went on exchanges! I was with Sister Amataga, she's from Samoa. She's great! When we were there I just realized how sad it would be to be in this area with Sister Lundell! I don't want to, don't make me... :( 
 Saturday we went to a little girl's baptism, her name is Ella. She is so cute and her mom, Sister Mereness, is my favorite. She's from Austria and she has an accent and I love their family. So we sang at her baptism! We sang I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me! Just like I sang at my baptism! It was very special. 
 Sunday we went to church of course! And then we were kinda bummed out all day because of Audrey and Glen and Pam had cancelled her lesson and then didn't come to church....again... but then we had this lesson with Sister Cubbedge and she is preparing to go to the temple! So we are teaching her a temple prep class! We had a great lesson with her :) 

 So we have this neighbor, Dave, and he's great. He's very friendly and he's a great neighbor. And we were talking to him one day and he's like "Hey so I have this projector and we should totally set it up and watch a movie out back." and we're like..."uhhhhh.... we'll have to watch a church movie!" then he says "Alright! Sounds good to me!" And then we're like crap... he just wants to watch a movie with us... awkward... luckily the Elders were right there and we could run away with them. hahaha I don't really understand why someone would think we could go on a date with them. Crazy people. 

 And I got Jen's package! Thanks for the bows and my SHIRT! I was really sad that I lost that...but now I am happy :) Letters will be on your way! 

 So I do a lot of studying (go figure) and I am learning sooooooooooooooooo much. Heavenly Father is just giving me all the info about anything. It's great. And the Gospel makes so much sense. Everything fits together and it's just good. Every question that you have can be answered and every concern that you've heard from people can be cleared up if you just READ the scriptures. So many people take things out of context and don't study the whole thing. Here's my bold comment for the day... anyone who doesn't believe that this gospel is true has not studied it correctly. Study with the Holy Ghost and with prayer and with a desire to know the mysteries of God. It's quite amazing. And this week I realized something. I've realized that my whole life has led me to this. Everything that I've experienced, everything I've learned. It's prepared me to preach this gospel. I've always been supposed to serve a mission. When I didn't get a clear answer of whether or not I should go, I was always supposed to. God just knew that I would choose to go and so He just let me decide. He trusted me enough to make this decision. I'm so grateful for this gospel and direction that it gives me. It's everything that I am. 

 MIRACLE OF THE WEEK: When we try and call Shanae, she usually doesn't answer and then we can't get a hold of her for a while. But this week we call her, she didn't answer and then like a half an hour later, SHE CALLS US! We were just so happy and Heavenly Father has led us to her! 

 Okay, I love you so much and I think about you and I pray for you everyday! I'm glad that Jen is safe in Syracuse and that the trip went well! 


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