Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I'm so excited to skype with everyone! I can't wait to see all of your faces. :) This email might be shorter because we have to go to a Christmas Devotional today! 

 It finally snowed here! It was not feeling like the middle of December... it felt more like October here! But on Friday, we woke up to snow so that was kind of magical. The best part of this snow though is that it's gone the next day! haha me and Sister Merrill were happy to see the snow because it's pretty and everything but then it starts raining and it just melts away! We had to ride our bike in it and it was quite slippery... let's just say that we were walking a lot of the way. haha 

 And last night my district went CAROLING! It was so fun. We just went to our investigators houses and stopped random people on the street. It was fun being with other missionaries and just singing in the rain. I'm grateful that I am surrounded by other missionaries that love the Gospel as much as I do. 

 At this Christmas season, I really see the importance of families. They are essential to God's plan. They are a stable unit in this crazy world. I'm so grateful that I come from a good family that has taught me so much about how to be a good person. So thank you for that. 

 Please keep my investigators Jamie, Kameisha, and Misty in your prayers. They need prayers and direction. They will not fall! 

We were riding home in the dark and it was pitch black and we were riding on a busy road with not a lot of light...it gets really scary sometimes and we try to avoid it when possible. But I could feel myself get really panic-y and I started praying to Heavenly Father to help me see and to help me feel calm. I immediately felt His protection and then I noticed that it was not as dark because the sky was cloudless (weird for Washington) and there was a full moon. And then there was this really bright construction light that lit my path. It was just amazing to feel of God's awareness of me. He is really taking care of me. 

 I will talk to you all on Wednesday! 

 Love you all! 
Sister Scott

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