Monday, December 9, 2013

It's C-C-C-C-Cold Outside

Hello everybody! 

 So basically this week has been SO COLD. It's kind of ridiculous. It's a different kind of cold here because of the humidity and it just cuts through you and makes your bones and your muscles BURN. It hurts. But it's not raining so at least we're not wet...just really cold. :) 

 We had Zone Conference this last week. I love Zone Conference. Mostly I just love President and Sister Bonham. They are my favorite. They talked about listening to the Spirit. And receiving revelation and acting on it has become a lot easier to me on my mission. I'm not perfect at it, no way, but I'm a lot better at recognizing the Holy Ghost and then trying to act on it. Missionary work cannot be done without the Holy Ghost, it's just impossible. 

 It's almost CHRISTMAS! We decorated our apartment, we did the best we could haha. I'll send pictures in the near future. A member donated a tree to our cause and I didn't have a stocking so I just pinned up a red sock on the wall hahaha. Good enough, right? 

 Also, remember how I used to be on the Reservation? Well, because it's sometimes dangerous, Sisters aren't allowed on the Res anymore! Kinda crazy...but it's probably a good idea. 

 A couple of weeks ago some members knew I hated fish and they asked me if they made Salmon if I would at least try it. And all these people were telling me that salmon doesn't taste fishy at all and that it's delicious and they hate all other fish except for salmon, so I was like sure. I'll try it. Maybe there is still hope for me. So last night, I tried it. And lemme tell ya... I still hated it. Yup. It was still too fishy for me and there is no hope for me and fish. We just can't be friends. 

 Funny story. So remember James? We found him walking on the street last week. Well we had a lesson with him at the church on Thursday and so we walk in and the church is in pieces!! Okay, not really. But they were fixing the sound system and so the ceiling was on the floor...there were workers walking around everywhere and we're like whatever. We'll just ignore it...he won't mind. So we start giving a church tour and we start talking about the life of Christ and the Sacrament and then they start playing MUSIC! Like, rock and roll music and so we decided the church tour was shot so we just went and had a lesson in the relief society room haha... it was pretty funny though. But James is SO. PREPARED. We were already talking about baptism, but sadly, we found out that he is not in our ward boundaries :( so we had to hand him off to some Elders, but he'll get baptized :) 

So my new meds make me really, really tired and yesterday I was super tired and I couldn't really concentrate so I got to take a Sunday nap! I've missed those... and I got one :) It was fantastic. 

 I love you family and I can't wait to talk to you! It will be so good to see your faces! I miss you everyday. I'm glad that I could be here though. I'm glad that I could be a missionary at this time. I love you all! 

 Sister Scott

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