Monday, December 16, 2013

A Tribute to Sister Merrill

Hey Family and Friends!

How was everybody's week?  Is there a lot of snow in Utah?  There is no snow up here in Washington!  It's like 40 degrees!  haha, it's pretty nice :)

This week we were really involved in the Nativity Festival.  It's a festival that the stake put on and it was AMAZING!  It seriously was so cool.  Members of the stake donated about 500 nativities and it was set up in the Cultural Hall.  There were so many Christmas trees and lights.  Me and Sister Merrill set up all these twinkling lights around the nativity and we put little candles everywhere.  We also set up a lot of poinsettias around the tables.  It looked beautiful!  I was so impressed with all the decor.  They had beautiful scenes of Christ's ministry set up.  They had a life of Christ room and they Spirit was so strong in the room.  It is such a great tool to get non members a little exposed to our church.  There were so many people there.  There was also a stake choir that performed.  They asked me to be in it so I got to be in a choir!  It really made me miss choir!  I hope that Carols and Confections is good and I can't wait to hear about it!

I wanted to write a tribute to Sister Merrill.  I know that putting us together is inspired because she has helped me so much.  She listens to me when I need to talk.  She always knows when I'm feeling anxious or sad.  We've developed a system.  She'll ask me what number I'm at on a scale of one to ten.  She knows that if I'm at an 8 or a 9, I need to calm down a little bit and take a break.  She never pushes me or makes me feel bad about myself.  She is always so loving and caring and so willing to help.  She also makes me laugh a lot.  We laugh everyday together and I'm so grateful for that.  She reminds me to slow down and we love getting Baja Blasts from Taco Bell.  I am very grateful for Sister Merrill and that I can rely on her.  

This next week I have more doctors appointments.  I hope that everything smooths out soon, I have a lot of faith that it will.  I can't wait to talk to all of you in like 9 days!  That will be great! :) We can definitely Skype.  I'm not sure of all the details right now.  But maybe get a skype account ready.  I will be able to email next week so I will have more information then of what will happen exactly.  

Her name is Misty.  She is Jamie's sister.  At first, she wasn't really interested in hearing our message but the Lord has softened her heart and she wants to be baptized.  She said that for the first time in her life, she feels like her life has meaning and she feels like she has hope.  She wants to rid herself guilt and shame.  It has been amazing to watch and I'm grateful that I could be a part of it!  I love this family.  So. Much.  They mean so much to me!  

I love you all!  I miss you all so much too!  Keep going! :)

Sister Scott

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